Wikibinator203 widget
(todo not so much stuff on screen at once, should be mostly the colored draggable rectangles. each is a lambda. and todo move this UI to a js file so can be used in other html files. Canvas graphics and Web Audio API ScriptProcessorNode is coming soon, when transpiler makes it fast enuf for that. Then GPU.)

TODO the mutableWrapperLambda system... (this doesnt work yet)...

Password creates publickey:
TODO a specific YourPublicKey appears here
✕ (YourPublicKey [hello YourPublicKey]) -> ???drag and drop to here???
✕ (YourPublicKey [some game quicksave is... [the thing...]]) -> ???drag and drop to here???

About the above^... You can use wikibinator anonymously with no user account/publickey at all, or with a publickey, and you can hook that to an identity in external systems if you want, or not. This is for incoming messages. When anyone in the peer to peer network (TODO) calls (YourPublicKey IncomingMessage), its checked against your local filter (any Lambda you choose, TODO) and if it passes, it appears here, and you can drag a lambda as the response to it or click X on it to not respond. So YourPublicKey acts like a lambda when others call it, including that multiple calls for the same param are cached potentially forever and shouldnt repeat here (but may if not deduped yet?, TODO). (YourPublicKey IncomingMessage) -> OutgoingResponse. To get a publickey, type any password here, which gets hashed to make an ed25519 publickey, that will appear below (TODO). The lambdas can do any algorithm, so doesnt have to be ed25519 but thats what the prototype will start with. This password is not (TODO verify security) copied outside this browser window, unless your browser or its plugins or OS etc is spying on it. Only digital signatures of it are normally shared. All lambdas (including passwords, digital signatures, words, game quicksaves, etc) ever shared to other computers may be seen by anyone in the world. As a "wiki"-like system its a shared space, so dont share your password or things you dont want everyone to see. No take backs. Its like IPFS in that once it goes up its not coming down until computers and people stop downloading it for some time. (TODO peer to peer network)
QuickSave and QuickLoad use cookies. In future versions, it will have the option to save/download generated file and drag files in, and to drag just parts into and out of those files or cookies and to share and stream online.


-- Transpiled code out (to convert some lambdas to javascript for speed, but only works on some patterns of lambdas. Also todo gpujs and glsl and maybe python and java etc)...